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Brody Kayman & Kyle Michaels – The Perp’s Packing

Security guard Michaels loves his job. He adores the sense of power over the creeps entering the mall and trying to get away with random crimes. From shoplifters to public offenders, Kyle makes sure to let them know who’s in charge. The last creep tried to take some stuff from a store, so Kyle took him back to his office to punish him. However, this dude was different. This reluctant thief was packing a huge surprise between his legs, so, instead of letting him away, Kyle tried to seduce him. Brody, the unwilling shoplifter, isn’t especially into having sex with dudes, but Kyle’s pressure made evident the fact that he had no choice, so he pulled his huge dick out and allowed the security to do whatever he pleased. Subject to Kyle’s corrupt authority, Brody decided to follow orders and see what the officer could do with his huge shaft.
