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Andy Plugging Patrick

Andy’s packin’. We all know this, and it’s one of the many things we like about him! Andy loves to get fucked, though, so we haven’t gotten to see that dick of his in action nearly enough. Thankfully, that changes now, as Andy’s burying that big dick of his in Patrick! Patrick’s an insatiable bottom, so he likely knew he wanted Andy’s dick in him the instant he first spotted it. In this episode, with Patrick already having some experience with Andy’s cock, you could tell he was desperate for another round with it. Indeed, the eagerness with which Patrick sucks Andy’s dick at the outset of this episode makes it pretty clear Patrick found himself a new toy in Andy’s cock, and wanted to get it rockhard, slick with spit, and ready for his hole as soon as possible. Andy was more than happy to oblige! As someone who’s vers and loves to get fucked, Andy knows how to deliver the kind of pounding that drives a bottom wild. He has Patrick moaning out in pure pleasure with his long, hard, deep and steady strokes. He fucks Patrick so well, in fact, that he ends up fucking a big load out of him, before feeding him his own big load.


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