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Grayson Initiating Beckett

Beckett’s a handsome young stud, whose tight and lean runner’s build leveled up to a worked out jock body after he started going to the gym 5 times a week and we’re oh so thankful for the results – he looks great! Beyond being a handsome and hot-bodied young stud, Beckett’s also a real treat to have around – he’s friendly, outgoing, gets along with everyone, and brings good energy to any room he’s in. That good energy definitely won Grayson over, because Grayson’s attempts at chatting up Beckett so we could all get to know him better progressed very, very rapidly to Grayson wanting to get naked with Beckett and both studs wanting to get into some action! What does Beckett do to win Grayson over most of all? Well… he fucks him! He fucks him good, long, hard, and deep. Judging by the noises Grayson’s making and his constant moans and groans, one of Beckett’s finest assets is a thick dick that hits all the right spots and eventually fucks a thick load out of Grayson before painting Grayson’s face and tongue with Beckett’s own load!


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