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Riley Wrecks Rocky

It’s high time we got to see Rocky get truly, thoroughly railed, and with Riley and Riley’s big dick available, Rocky getting thoroughly railed is precisely what we’re in for with this episode! Mind you, Rocky loves getting railed! He’s truly vers, and so enthusiastically sexual that he is clearly having himself a blast no matter what he’s up to in an episode. Whether we’re seeing him top or bottom, or even flip, Rocky is having a great time and it shows in the expressions on his face, the noises coming from his mouth, and the load he’s blasting off at the end of it all. Of course, with a top like Riley delivering the kind of fuck being delivered here, it’d be near impossible for Rocky to not have a good time! Riley is handsome, hung, and he sets out to show off his stamina in this one! He absolutely goes to town on Rocky’s hole, and for much of the action it’s all Rocky can do to hold on and take it!


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