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Liam Enjoys Evan

Evan’s about to find out what a total stud Liam is, and discover Liam has himself some very obvious turn-ons he just can not hide when he gets his hands on a fellow young stud like Evan! When it comes to studly young college jocks, CF fans definitely appreciate a ripped body, a big dick and a hot ass. It’s clear many of our fans enjoy a handsome young college stud’s feet as well, and it’d seem Liam likewise enjoys them. He rarely misses an opportunity to caress and lick his scene partner’s feet when given the chance, and certainly doesn’t miss out on the chance to enjoy Evan’s here. I think one of the things Liam likes most about giving a fellow CF stud’s feet some attention is the reaction it gets out of them – they’ve often never had a guy play with their feet before, and are blown away by how much they find themselves enjoying it! Liam doesn’t stop with Evan’s feet, however. He sets out to blow Evan away with what his lips and tongue can do to most every part of Evan’s body! The blowjob he treats Evan to has Evan writhing and moaning, eyes rolling back in his head; once he starts playing with Evan’s hole, Evan is putty in his hands and ready for any and everything Liam wants to do to him. What Liam wants to do to him is fuck him. Liam wants to fuck Evan hard, long, deep, powerfully and relentlessly. Liam wants to fuck a big load out of Evan, then feed Evan his own big load. And Liam always gets what he wants!


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