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Anal Panic – Kevin Nurff, Amir Laden & Skater

Kevin Nurff is at home watching a horror movie when a Skater appears in his house dressed as a Scream after the phone rings. Kevin is determined to do whatever it takes to keep from dying, so Skater pops his big thick dick out of his costume and makes Kevin more horny. He can’t resist and falls face down on the Skater’s juicy cock that goes crazy with Kevin’s delicious blowjob. The Skater’s dick is so yummy that Kevin decides to sit really yummy and gives the male his delicious ass. Skater wastes no time and fucks Kevin’s ass yummy, leaving the horny crazy nasty, moaning loudly with so much pleasure. While Kevin’s ass is being blown open by the Skater’s cock, Kevin’s brother Amir Laden arrives and witnesses the scene and is invited to participate. Amir thinks all that is delicious and puts his brother to suck his big and delicious cock. Amir asks Kevin if the punch of the Skater in his ass is hurting and he confirms with a pained face, so Kevin has no pity and also punches his brother’s ass who goes crazy with another male to fuck his delicious ass. Amir Laden and Skater have fun this Halloween with Kevin Nurff’s delicious ass who doesn’t give up on having these two delicious dicks inside his ass. “Anal Panic” is the kind of movie that will make you delirious with pleasure this Halloween, after all, it’s no use screaming, it’s no use hiding, the more you squeeze, the more it will hurt.


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