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Looking for a Hole – Victor Ferraz, Amir Laden & Thiago Albuquerque

Victor Ferraz and Amir Laden are staying in a chic suite and end up taking a shower together, where the lust awakens between them. Victor is spending the last day in the city and shares his desire with Amir he wants to fuck an ass before traveling, as the two are just top, Amir looks on his cell phone for someone interesting in the middle of his contacts, meanwhile Victor orders 3 beers at room service to relax. A few minutes later, Thiago Albuquerque arrives at the suite to deliver the order to them Victor asks if he doesn’t have any contact from someone who wants to give the ass to Amir and him. At first, Thiago is embarrassed and says that he unfortunately has no contact to indicate to them, but he can help them in another way. Thiago falls his mouth on Amir Laden’s hard cock and delights in his thick and juicy cock under the command of Victor Ferraz who directs the boy in each movement made. Thiago sucks Amir’s balls with pleasure and slides his tongue willingly on his delicious cock. Victor massages the nipple and Amir while he is squeezing his dick watching Thiago sucking him. Victor calls Thiago to suck his “sledgehammer” and the boy goes very hot on him, smelling the pink head and the juicy balls. Amir asks Thiago to put Victor’s whole cock in his mouth, but the sledgehammer is so hard that Thiago can’t swallow it. While Thiago sucks Victor’s sledgehammer, Amir sucks his nipples making him very horny. Thiago gets up and sucks Thiago again, this time on all fours for Victor. Victor positions himself and puts the sledgehammer in Thiago’s ass that continues sucking Amir’s cock and moaning with lust. In a beautiful exchange, Victor and Amir are delighted with Thiago’s ass that gives himself completely to both. Victor does not like freshness and puts the cock without mercy on Thiago’s ass with strong punches, making the boy delirious with lust. “Looking for a Hole” could not be filmed with other actors and is the type of film that will make you horny and make you fantasize about this delicious trio.


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