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The Newbie’s Class – Samuel Sansi & Ricardo Sparta

Ricardo and Samuel are returning from a soccer match, and Ricardo is worried about his performance, saying that he is out of shape after not playing for a long time. Samuel, on the other hand, is used to playing soccer and is one of the best players on the team. Happy with his friend’s return to the field, Samuel offers to help Ricardo with private lessons to improve the player’s performance. Ricardo complains that he is tense and needs to relax. Seeing that Samuel is very willing to help him, Ricardo decides to accept his friend’s offer, going straight to Samuel’s house for his first private lesson. When they get home, Ricardo, who is anxious to get back playing like he used to, pulls Samuel’s hand inside his shorts and shows him the size of his cleats, eager to score a goal in his friend’s ass. Samuel is going to show Ricardo that, to be a good soccer player, he first needs to learn to have total control of the ball, a lot of determination and, most importantly, know how to put the ball in the goal.
