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The Longing’s Size – Lucas Rocha & Igor Baianinho

Lucas and Igor had an affair for a while, but they hadn’t seen each other since Igor returned to Bahia. One day, while remembering the good times with his little whore, Lucas decided to call Igor to talk. Luckily for Lucas, Igor missed him too, and was dying to see him again. Wasting no time, Igor decided to go visit Lucas. Igor’s longing was already too much for him, and Lucas’s dick was already so hard it didn’t even fit inside his underwear. When they saw each other again, the two couldn’t contain their lust, and went straight to the point, starting to kiss like there was no tomorrow. Nothing better than that “I missed you” fuck, right? Lucas and Igor fucked with the hunger that only distance creates, to the point of rolling their eyes and becoming breathless, and they remembered that when the honey is good, the bee always comes back.
