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Friends To Lovers – Gustavo Selvenca & Lucas Rocha

It’s almost unanimous: Christmas is between family, but New Year is with friends. And so it was the end of the year for Lucas, Gustavo and their friends, including Lucas’s wife. The group went to see the New Year’s Eve fireworks on the Paulista Avenue, and then went on a spree. But let’s say things got a little out of control after Lucas and Gustavo drank too much champagne. It was morning already, on the first day of the year, when Lucas and Gustavo got lost of their friends and ended up stopping at the hotel room they had rented, to look for their crew, or, at least, drink some more. Arriving at the hotel room, they had a good and a bad surprise: their friends weren’t there, but there was an unopened bottle of champagne in the freezer. With nothing to do and already drunk, the guys opened the bottle and started drinking together again. Lucas was very excited, so he decided to wish the entire city of São Paulo a happy new year. Without ceremony, Lucas went to the window, pulled down his pants, and wished the city a happy new year loudly, while shaking his huge dick for everyone to see. Gustavo managed to control his friend and took him out of the window, but he couldn’t get Lucas to get dressed. Lucas was so drunk that he couldn’t even put on his clothes, so he asked Gustavo for help. While his friend tried to pull up his pants, the alcohol and lust tooked over Lucas, who placed Gustavo’s hand on his dick, which was already hard. Gustavo didn’t quite understand what was happening, but before he could react, Lucas grabbed him and gave him a kiss that left Gustavo breathless. Guided by the alcohol in their heads and a lot of excitement, the two got involved in a frantic and intense fuck, making out on the living room sofa. Lucas had his inexperienced friend to suck his dick, and even managed to convince Gustavo to lose the virginity of his ass by taking cock. As it was Gustavo’s first time with another guy, Lucas was gentle and affectionate, but at the same time he was an animal while fucking his friend’s ass, who was totally surrendered by the lust that the bearded male aroused in him. At the end of it all, Gustavo, who had difficulty facing Lucas’s big, thick cock at the beginning, was already wide opened and determined to make his friend start the year happy and releasing cum as if it were fireworks.
