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Family Photos – Richie West & Matthew Figata

I came across a photographer who does incredible photography of fathers and sons. The photographer doesn’t just photograph dads and sons for holiday cards. He also does incredibly compelling, beautiful, even erotic photography. Nude men with their handsome sons, embracing and connecting in, well, unorthodox ways. But still beautiful and artistic. I know I’m a bit of an exhibitionist, but I wanted to find a way for Richie to feel more comfortable in his own skin. And now that he’s all grown, I want him to see me not just as his dad, but as a man he can be close to. Even… really close… I could see Richie was a little uncomfortable at first. I wasn’t sure if it was more about being naked with his old man or if it was being naked in front of the camera. I think he was still relying on me to comfort him and assure him, but that’s what dads are for! Once the photo shoot ended, I could hardly contain my excitement. Something about seeing him step out of his comfort zone, trust me, and stand proudly side by side with me just made my heart swell. A passion rushed over me. I kissed down his neck, holding him gently and slowly. I didn’t want to rush it. My hands moved over his body, under his clothes and across his smooth, milky skin. And when I put my hands beneath his underwear and caressed his butt, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. I couldn’t stop. Richie was so beautiful. My boy. My sweet boy. I had to have him. It was just inevitable. I kissed him again and bent him over the edge of the bed. He was a little timid, but he presented his hole to me so perfectly. I got down and paused. I took a breath, thinking that I was about to finally taste my boy. I got rock hard beneath my clothes, but didn’t want to lose the moment by undressing myself. Instead, I slowly extended my tongue, feeling the soft, pillow flesh of his cheeks against my face right before I made deep contact with his boyhole…


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