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Adam Snow, Cole Blue, Noah White Serg Shepard – International Transfer: Coach’s Assistant

I’m not really flattering myself when I say I’m a good looking guy with a big dick. It’s just a fact. Every time I walk into a bar, or a sex club, or log on to one of the apps, I have men lining up to do anything I want. It’s just too easy and too irresistible. When I was younger, I let myself fall in love a few times but it never worked out. The only good thing that ever came out of my attempts at relationships was, ironically, the one time I got involved with a woman. We were in college and I still wasn’t sure about being gay. She got pregnant; we got married; and my wonderful boy, Noah, was born. The marriage fell apart a few years later when I figured out that I was gay, but relationships with men didn’t go much better. It was just easier to get my jollies fucking around.
