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You Like It – Alex Axel & Gregor Gilead

Sometimes, you need to be attentive to your boy’s needs. When I got home from work, I went straight to the bathroom. As the water was flowing, I saw my little boy watch me and began to stroke my cock. His lips were clenching from hunger. After drying off, I got up and walked towards him. He then reached for my large cock. It was his idea. It went straight into his mouth and it got me excited. As he worked on his tool, I joined him and sat down with him. As he was finishing his tool, it was time for me to enjoy the freshness of my young flesh. His pretty holes were too tempting for me so I dug as far as my teeth would go before I sat down on the couch and started to fuck it. As he took his dick, we wrecked the couch. He took my dick and I followed him inside.


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