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Get Over My Knee Boy – Alex Axel & Lucian Fair

Boys will be boys. That’s what they say, and my stepson, Lucian, proved them right. I felt he was hiding something, so I went to his room to check. That’s when I found the cans of beer in his dresser. I was ok with it until he lied to me about them being his. I put him across my knee and spanked his ass, but his ass started looking tasty. I pulled my pants down, and he knew what to do with daddy’s cock. I also swallowed his meat before moving to his pink hole. Licking my boys honey pot is high on my list of things I love, knowing how my cock fits perfectly inside his tight ass. The way Lucian takes cock is a work of art. I drilled him full of wood until he started cumming on his belly. Good boy.


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