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Ride Me Once, Suck Me Twice – Talex Madriz & Matt Vi

Talex picks a ride with Matt after visiting his girlfriend. He was halfway through fucking her, but he had to leave, so now, his balls are blue. Matt is horny too, as he hasn’t seen his girl for a while, so he is desperate to nut. The frisky driver offers Talex to jerk off together so the two can release some tension. Talex accepts and reaches out for his driver’s dick. Realizing how well-endowed Matt is, he jumps to the front seat to swallow his big cock. This only makes Matt hornier, inviting Talex to stop at a private spot to eat his ass and cock. Talex now starts craving to sit on Matt’s dick and go for a wild ride. After filling Talex’s asshole with cum, Matt is still horny, so Talex offers to give him one more blowjob. Matt can’t resist the proposal–after all, he sucks his dick even better than his girlfriend!
