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Tossing Mason’s salad

A scene Tossing Mason’s salad is finally here. But before that, we spent some time outside the improvised BCH arena talking about one of the things he loves the most: motorcycles. Unfortunately, I couldn’t catch much of it with my camera, but you get the idea. Once inside, we did not talk much, and while I was getting ready, he played with himself for you guys; that got me off guard since I forgot that the cameras were on. Immediately after that, I got on my knees to start savoring that hard cock! From the start, Beefcake Mason, my new fresh Prince of BeefCakeHunter Land, was immersed in pure pleasure; his constant moaning, eye-rolling, and caressing of me while I was pleasuring him was the highlight of this encounter. On top of all that, he was very verbal, especially while I was deep-throating him. This was indeed a very long and passionate oral session that culminated in what many of you Hunters have been waiting for a while: Tossing Mason’s salad. With his legs up in the air, I licked his cherry from both angles so you don’t miss a thing. At first, he was jerking himself; then, I decided to double pleasure him by jerking him off and eating his little hole at the same time. All that built him on a lot right before he started to drill my man-pussy, lol. Laying on my belly, I surrendered myself to his hard cock, but he being Mason, was gentle with me to a certain level; the bull inside him was desperate to get out and fuck the shit out of me, and I couldn’t blame him, it was me to blame to get him to that point! Lol The fucking was merciless and deep, but I did my best to get along with it; it was a mix of pleasure and a little bit of pain. With the help of some poppers, I got on my fours and allowed him to finish the job as he pleased. After he finished inside the condom, he wanted to make sure that everybody saw it; it was so cute! I hope you guys enjoy this Tossing Mason’s salad, the last scene of this parade of BCH Royalty.
