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Calan Hits Up Jax

Jax wasted no time after his recent return to CF reminding us why he’s one of our absolute favorite tops – he’d only just gotten here before he was pounding a quick-succession double load out of Finn and leaving us all eager to see him have at another CF stud’s ass soon after. Well, Calan gets to be Jax’s latest conquest, and you can tell from the get go that Calan was very happy to find himself in that position. These two makeout intensely and passionately to kick things off, with Calan then sucking Jax’s cock like a man on a mission – Calan wanted that dick, and wanted it badly! If the treatment Calan gives Jax’s cock with his lips and tongue is set to be returned in kind by the treatment Jax gives Calan’s hole, Calan’s in for one heck of a relentless drilling. Indeed, Calan’s asking – practically begging – for precisely that soon enough, and Jax delivers!
