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Joel Someone & Max Mabry – Elder Mabry’s Ass Atonement

Elder Mabry is what you would call an exemplary missionary. He’s always willing to give his congregation more than needed. However, he’s not perfect and everyone has deep, dark, and lustful secrets. In other words, no matter how good a boy he has been, every missionary can use improvement. Whether it’s lack of commitment, doubts, disobeying the mission rules, or some more serious sexual transgression, a missionary is expected to atone for his bad deeds in order to become a worthy member of the Order. President Someone has discovered Max’s taste for the depraved and needs to show him that’s not how they handle things in their community. It’s time to blindfold Elder Mabry and punish him with a spanking, a fingering, and a rough fuck in the mouth and the ass. Max doesn’t really understand how this is a punishment and not a reward for being the President’s little fuck toy, but he pretends to atone for his sins by enjoying the most unholy acts of all: anal sex.


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