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Joel Someone, Dakota Lovell, Max Mabry & Eddie Patrick – Movie Night. Forget Popcorn, Just Hand Me Your Cocks: All Three of Them

My stepdad and I have our own movie night tradition: we eat each others’ dicks instead of popcorn. This time, I was in the mood for something different, so we invited my stepdad’s friend and his stepson to join us. While the movie was playing, I could see how my stepdad’s cock was getting bigger below the blanket, so I gave him a hand. His friend’s stepson noticed I was jerking him off, so he did the same with his own stepdad, who immediately understood what was going on. We got caught! Instead of freaking out, they both joined our movie night tradition, getting involved in the kinkiest, hottest, most intense threesome I’ve ever been a part of.
