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Eric Charming, Brody Kayman, Ryan St Michael & Ryan Russo – Meat in The Hole Before Sleep

In the quiet anticipation of their first big plane trip to California, Eric and Ryan found themselves sharing a bed. The unfamiliar closeness and excitement of the impending adventure with their stepdads, Ryan and Brody, created an atmosphere of nervous energy. However, Ryan’s restless habit of stroking his cock was proving to be a major obstacle to a good night’s sleep for Eric. The sound and movements emanating from Ryan’s side of the bed filled the room, keeping Eric on edge and wide awake. Eric’s frustration grew with each passing minute, until their stepdads, Ryan and Brody, came into the room. Concerned that the lack of sleep would negatively impact the boys’ experience on the trip, the stepdads knew they had to intervene. Confident that a good ass-pounding would curb their excitement, the hung stepdaddies show their stepsons how dick can solve any situation, packing meat into the young men’s butts ‘til they are finally ready for sleep.
