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Eric Charming, Brody Kayman, Ryan St Michael & Ryan Russo – Stepdaddy’s Meaty Baseball Bat

Oops! Eric and his buddy Ryan were playing some ball in the backyard when they accidentally broke the basement window. Hoping not to get caught, they tried to hide the evidence and pretend to be studying in the living room when the accident happened, but Ryan and Brody, their loving stepdad, quickly called their bullshit. Now cornered by their stepdads, Ryan and Eric try to blame each other, but Brody and Ryan don’t want to be lied to anymore. They know they need to teach their boys a lesson about honesty and respect and the only way to do it is with good old-fashioned discipline. Pulling their cocks out, the stepfathers make the young men eat their dicks, but to avoid things getting awkward, they swap stepsons. The punishment soon evolves into a nice foursome, and the boys eventually learn their lesson: it’s best not to lie to your stepdad…unless you want his dick!
