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Johnny Ford, Trevor Brooks, Kyle Michaels & Brogan – Hide the Salami

Brogan moves to a house next to his long-time buddy Johnny. The guys celebrate a jolly reunion at Johnny’s to catch up after so many years. Plus, they are now both stepdads to two teenage boys, Kyle and Trevor, so they decide to introduce each other to see how they get along. The boys instantly hit it off and wander around the house while their stepfathers chat. They are so happy to see each other and that their kids get along. What they don’t know is that perhaps Kyle and Trevor like each other too much…in fact, they locked themselves in the bathroom to play a little kinky game. After a while, Brogan and Johnny start worrying about their boys, so they check on them. To their surprise, they find them in the middle of a frisky game. Rather than being mad, they show them a different game they used to play together when they were boys: hide the salami!


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