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Jake Nicola, Carter DelRey, Cole Connor & Max Mabry – Watch Us Plow These Twinks Live! 4K

In the absence of their stepdads Jake and Cole, friends Max and Carter decide to launch a live stream as a lighthearted prank, hoping to solicit a few donations. To add an extra spice to their live-stream, the boys go live completely naked. The jest takes an unexpected turn when their stepdads discover them mid-stream. Initially, Jake and Cole express disapproval, but their attitudes shift as they notice the steady influx of donations. Plus, the audiences go mad about the interruption of two hot daddies and insistently request them to take off their shirts. Though hesitant at first, the allure of the incoming money proves too strong, and Jake and Cole eventually join the live stream. What began as a potentially awkward situation transforms into a live foursome. Jake and Cole pound their boys asses for the camera as the money keeps coming in, making the live-stream a huge hit.
