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Killian Knox Uses Creepy Tricks to Seduce Twink Dakota Lovell

Killian always acts weird when his stepson Dakota is around. He loves giving the boy back rubs, walking around the house naked, and exposing himself to his stepson. It’s obvious that he’s trying to seduce him, but Dakota can’t really figure it out. After months of being “subtly” teased by his stepdad, Dakota finally reads between the lines and tries to seduce him back. What he doesn’t know is that this is all part of Killian’s plan, as he now has an excuse to fuck the twink without consequences. His not-so-subtle tricks become more obvious as Killian jerks off madly in front of the boy while pretending that nothing is going on. Dakota tries to ignore this, but finding his favorite shirt in his stepdad’s bathroom only makes things worse. More confused and aroused than ever, Dakota confronts Killian, who raises the bet and makes the boy confess his true feelings for his stepdad. The time has come for Killian to have his way with Dakota’s hole and fuck it open.


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