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Jordi Massive & Skylar Finchh – The Right Attention

Skylar has a situation with his school teacher that has gone out of hand. He has been hitting on the young twink, sending him inappropriate messages Skylar doesn’t know how to respond to. Desperate for help, he asks Jordi, his stern stepdad, for advice. Jordi is very jealous of other older men getting close to Skylar, but he thinks that his stepson is also trying to get his attention. Eager to make a move on Skylar, Jordi tells him that he should avoid his teacher for a while and experiment a little bit to understand what he really wants. He then pulls out his cock and makes his sweet boy gag with his powerful tool, watching as Skylar enjoys the taste of his stepdaddy’s dick. Soon, Jordi turns the twink around and eats his hole like candy, opening it up to fit in his massive meat. Skylar loves it when his stepdad gets all dominant on him, so he lets him pound his sweet and tight hole, hoping he gets stuffed by Jordi more often.


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