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Skylar Finchh & Archie Paige – Here’s Something Else To Fuck

Studying can be such a pain in the ass when you got a bratty older stepbro that keeps teasing you. Skylar is dorky enough as he is with his long study sessions and his stuffed animal Mr. Pockets by his side, but Archie makes his life a living hell by torturing him all the time and interrupting him whenever he gets the chance. Tired of being bullied, Skylar exits the room to tell their stepmom, leaving Archie with Mr. Pockets. The evil stepbrother comes up with the ultimate prank: fucking his baby stepbro’s stuffed animal! When Skylar comes back, he can’t believe his eyes when he sees Archie’s huge cock inside of his favorite plush. At first, he’s mad as hell, but soon, the two stepsiblings start bonding on how nice it feels to put their dicks inside the toy. Feeling frisky as fuck, they start to wonder where else they can put their cocks in…


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