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Dakota Lovell & Archie Paige – Naughty on My List

Dec, 2024 Christmas is almost here and we still have a lot to do around the house! Mom tasked me and my little stepbro Dakota to decorate the place, but the loser preferred to slack on the couch instead of helping me. He is still a dorky teen and needs a little push to get things done. Since asking him nicely to help me with the ornaments didn’t work, I think I’ll have to try a different approach. A little tickling may get him in the holiday season! He says he hates it when I do that, but something hard on his crotch tells me he actually loves it when I lay my hands on him. In fact, I can’t deny that the thought of his sweet little ass has crossed my mind once or twice. Let’s see how he takes it when I tie his hands. He might act all cool and tough, but I bet he loves some discipline, especially if I decorate his tight hole with a creamy motive!
