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Xtian Mingle & Victor Pleases – Stepdaddy’s Little Maid Boy

Victor’s mom is tired of his entitled attitude and decides to give him a good punishment. But, instead of taking things into her own hands, she opts to give Xtian, her husband and Victor’s stepdad, the power to give the boy a good lesson. She knows Xtian can be too hard, but it is what her son needs right now. Xtian’s first command is to make Victor clean the house spick and span, treating his stepson like a maid. Victor despises him for that, but he is obligated to follow each and every one of his sadistic orders. However, Xtian decides to turn things up a notch and force Victor to scrub the floors completely naked. Rather than resenting him more, Victor starts to feel all kinds of frisky thoughts about his stepdaddy. Noticing his stepson gets a boner while cleansing, he realizes he will have to give his boy an even nastier lesson.


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