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Ethan’s At Bat

We don’t have any apple pie around but you’ll get your dose of all-American goodness from baseball and Ethan! Ethan’s a cute, sexy, young, midwestern baseball player who’s here to show us just how well he can pitch and catch! Ethan has a playful personality and demeanor that put you at ease and win you over, but also hint at his naughty side – and oh does he ever have himself a naughty side! While he’s more than happy and eager to tell us all about baseball, how much he loves it, and who his favorite team is, he’s even more happy and eager to flirt, play to the camera, peel off his clothes, show off this hard cock, and rub one out for us. This sexy young man is horny – and if the energy in his introductory solo is any indication of what he’s going to be like in action, we best get him paired up with a lucky partner in front of our cameras ASAP!


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