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Dakota Lovell & Eddie Patrick – Can The Doctor Fuck Me Now? 4K

Dakota, a college student, visits Dr. Patrick, his lifelong Doctor since he was young. He doesn’t need any check-ups nor is he feeling anything off, but he has had some weird wet dreams about him lately. He doesn’t really know what to tell Dr. Patrick, but rather than sidestepping the discussion, he comes clean and shares his dream with him vividly. Dakota knows this is something inappropriate to discuss with his doctor, but the dream is becoming more and more recurrent, and he can’t move on with his life, as all these dream scenarios always end up in uncomfortable nocturnal emissions for the poor boy. Dr. Patrick reassures Dakota and calmly guides him through a process that gets rid of wet dreams by reenacting each of them as authentically as possible. After all, the health professional figures that the only way to get the obsession out of his system is getting his fingers and thick dick inside of it.
