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Cazden Hunter, Cole Connor & Caden Dior – Threesome Under Prescription

Cazden visits Doctor Cole Connor, his lifelong and totally dilf physician. He trusts him like nobody else, so he follows each and every one of his indications. This time, Cazden is surprised to find a hot and young guy called Caden. He is Doctor Connor’s nurse and he is learning as much as he can from the M.D. Cole leaves Czaden with Caden to conduct his physical exams and goes to the waiting room for a little break. The naughty nurse takes this as an excuse to strip Cazden naked and see how gifted he really is. Soon, Caden finds himself massaging the ball of a horny Cazden, who begs him to rub them real nice. Suddenly, Doctor Connor walks into the office and finds the two men seconds away from starting a filthy fuck session. Rather than being mad, Cole decides to join her and have a nasty threesome under the doctor’s supervision.
