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Luca & Dane Blow Their Loads

Dane’s taken on some big dicks in his time at CF, but even he is in for a mindblowing experience here as he takes on Luca’s! You can’t miss it early in the action – Dane, sitting down on Luca’s huge dick, feeling inch after inch of Luca’s cock sliding in to him, gasping about how big Luca’s cock is, while Dane’s own cock is rock hard and angled towards the sky. Heck, even while Dane’s sucking Luca’s cock before they start fucking, Dane’s dick is totally stiff, no doubt as he anticipates just what it’s going to feel like as he takes it in his ass. If cumshots were the measure of what the sex was like (and they often are!), I think this may very well have been one of Dane’s favorite sessions to date. His load blasts out skyward, jet after jet, as Luca’s cock drills his hole. You’ll have to refresh my memory if Dane’s ever shot a bigger load, as I really don’t think he has! Luca’s cock worked its magic on Dane’s hole, and even newcomer Luca was left entirely blown away by how much pleasure his dick could give another man.


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