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Dane Dicks Rowan

Dane helped welcome Rowan back to CF but letting Rowan take a turn on his hole, and both guys had a blast with it. Rowan gave Dane a hot, long pounding and fucked a big load out of Dane before painting Dane’s hole with a load. It’s only fair Dane now gets the chance to return the favor, and take a turn on Rowan’s hole! We’ve long known Rowan loves to get fucked. When he first arrived at CF years ago, he soon became known as one of our most eager bottoms. It was great for all of us that Rowan loves to get fucked so much – with that super hot ass of his, seeing him get railed is an absolute must! Rowan hasn’t lost any of his fondness for it! This big, buff, muscular, handsome stud happily lets Dane go to town on him, and Dane takes full advantage. Granted, the stellar blowjob Dane gave Rowan at the outset here likely helped get Rowan worked up and in the mood! At the end of the action, Rowan’s drenched in cum – he blows his own big load while Dane’s piledriving his hole, then Dane fires off his load all over Rowan’s hot body and face!


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