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Jay James & Legrand Wolf – Dr. Wolf’s Office

Jay hasn’t been to the doctor’s in a while. Between school and work, he’s just been too busy and too broke, putting it off as long as he can. Now that he’s in a stable place, he knows he needs to get a checkup. Very few doctors come as highly recommended as Dr. Wolf and Jay knows that he is lucky that he was still taking new patients. When Dr. Wolf walks in, he sees the cute boy sitting on his exam table. Immediately, the good doctor has his sights on him for more than just medical purposes. Dr. Wolf can’t resist Jay’s handsome face and lean, athletic body with his legs dangling off the edge, unable to reach the floor. Nothing triggers Dr. Wolf’s erotic imagination more than a little guy, and here was a perfect specimen! As he proceeds with the standard exam, checking his weight, height, and other measurements, he notices a slight rise in Jay’s shorts. Curious to see what’s beneath the layers, he skips ahead to the hernia check…
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