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Logan Cross & Legrand Wolf – Home From Work

I put a keypad lock on my front door so that I can give my extra special boys the passcode. If it’s ever necessary, it’s easy enough to change the code. Getting a brand new lock and having keys made is a whole different game. I do tell the boys that they should text or call before they come over. Who knows what I might be up to? Although, another cute boyhole to fuck is rarely ever a bad thing! Logan is absolutely one of my special boys, but he’s a scamp! The other day, he texted me a selfie of himself sitting on my sofa, with the message, “I’m spending the night at a friend’s house! See you when you get home.” Obviously, I need to refresh the little horndog’s memory about what “text me before you come over means.” Just knowing he was there waiting had my dick hard and dripping in about thirty seconds, though…
