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A Bite in My Cock – Tomas Nicolas & Leon Giok

Leon is one hell of a prankster, a horny one too! Yet, this time, he has pulled the ultimate joke on his buddy Tomás: he convinced him that a mosquito had bitten his cock and he needs someone to inspect his juicy dick up close to ensure he’s not injured. The plan works like a charm and Tomás comes face-to-dick with his mate’s shaft. The soft dick starts growing instantly as if it really was bitten by a mosquito, but this only turns on Tomás. It takes him no time to forget about the bite and swallow Leon’s meat, turning the whole prank into a glorious fuck sesh. Soon, Leon is fucking Tomás’ mouth raw, making his friend gag with his boner non-stop. Tomás takes it like a man, hoping the situation becomes a good plow. His wet dream is granted as Leon grabs his ass to cover it with saliva before pushing his cock deep inside his asshole.
