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A Frantic Fucking For Ronnie Stone from Alexis Tivoli

Smooth young Alexis knows what he wants, and he knows inked lad Ronnie is gonna give it to him. Wearing nothing but their tight little underwear the boys are ready to get sucking, with French boy Alexis proving his hunger before Ronnie starts gagging on the young man’s rigid and dripping dick. With his jock strap still framing his peachy arse Ronnie kneels on the couch, demanding that cock inside him. Of course Alexis isn’t going to decline the offer, jabbing his inches inside and owning that butt, fucking Ronnie from behind with fast and frantic jabs before slamming the lad on his back, finishing with a shower of hot cum splashing out all over our inked bottom boy. This is another one of those times you can tell they’ll be hooking up again.


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