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A Special Full-Service Massage – Tyler Roma

I have many massage specialties, ranging from basic to extreme. Muscular, deep tissue, shiatsu, you name it! But, Tyler Roma might have had other plans when he invited me over to his hotel room for a rub down. As it so happens, he’s interested in the full service– my other specialty! Who am I to disappoint a customer? To start, I give him a deep massage of the throat. He gags on my dick but as I always say, the deeper the better. He bathes my balls with his tongue before I give his hot ass long deep strokes. I love a slim hairy guy in a jock-strap but, when he goes ass-to-mouth, it drives me really crazy. I don’t have to tell you that he’s excellent at riding cock, and as his reward, I pound the cum out right out of him with my huge uncut dick blowing my load all over his hairy chest. This beautiful little slut is going to be the end of me!
