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A Taste of Taylor – Ashton Summers & Taylor Coleman

Puerto Rican twink pounder, Ashton Summers saunters into his place with Taylor Coleman, from 8teenboy.com on his back, in this crossover cock connection. Coleman confesses he’s been craving Ashton for ages, and immediately tears the swarthy sex god’s clothes off, to get at that thick, Puerto Rican dick. Anxious to please, Taylor strains his young throat, gagging down every girthy inch of groin Ashton’s got. Summers helps him achieve his deep throat dreams with a masculine hand at the back of his head. The eager cock sucker smacks himself in the face with the fat phallus; then, Summers spins him around, cracks him on the can, and laps at the lad’s lusty hole. He spits, spanks and thumbs the twink’s tight little button. Then, he destroys the dude’s dick hungry hole with a punishing, hammer hipped, balls to butt, banging! Coleman’s whimpers for more are muffled as he smashes his pretty face into the mattress, and takes it like a champ. Completely connected, Summers swats the guy’s seat, and Taylor takes the hint to turn over; then, he takes another brutal beating on his back. Watching Ashton annihilate his ass turns Taylor up a notch, and he jacks that cock of his to an explosive climax that completely covers his smooth torso. Ashton pumps more dick into the dude, then launches a king sized load all over his bottom’s twitching, twink hole. Then, he slides the prize deep inside with his cum covered cock.


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