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A Virtual Chick’s Still A Chick, Y’Know – Benjamin Blue & Kenzo Alvarez

Kenzo Alvarez and Benjamin Blue are two straight best friends who are super excited since they’ve each just gotten their hands on some VR goggles! As they hang out in Kenzo’s living room and admire their new devices, they wonder what they should do first. Should they play some multiplayer games? Load up the latest superhero movie? The sky’s the limit, and the options are limitless! But then, one of them gets a very interesting idea. What better way to experience the full immersion that VR has to offer than with PORN? High resolution, surround sound, top-notch graphics… it’ll be unlike anything they’ve ever experienced before. Sufficiently tempted, they throw on their goggles and start watching porn. Within moments, they each start getting hard as a rock and soon wonder if maybe they could start jerking off next to each other. As they quickly discuss the situation, they convince themselves that it would be fine if they jerked off side-by-side. Plus, it’s not like it would be gay or anything since they’ll be looking at two female pornstars anyways through the goggles. This would just be two straight dudes having a little fun next to each other. Nothing more, nothing less. But after a few minutes of masturbation, these dudes start to wonder if they might need a little extra help to turn the virtual… into a sexy reality.


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