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Acqua Latinos Part 6: Lockers Room – Mark Wolf, Fabrice Rossi, Sly Conan, Jonas Cabello & Antu Burghos

At last the party in the pool of Latino boys came to its peak: the orgy. This time the group is going to make a garment for Antu, as a game and for that they take him to the changing rooms. The challenge is for me to suck on one of them there. Antu has no problems and kneels in front of one of the boys and starts sucking him. This makes them all horny in an incredible way, all their penises get hard at the same time. The four guys pull down their bathing suits and pull out their huge penises uncovered. They are placed in a round and Antu starts sucking them at the same time. The cocks get wet and Antu licks all of their precum, the four of them have it very hard, a spectacular bukkake is coming. Antu is excited to be able to suck on those amazing manly members. He sucks them in pairs, head to head. They grab his mouth, penetrate him at the same time. Pass your tongue between the cocks … Wow! Then they stop him and one of them starts licking his butt well, once it is well dilated he begins to penetrate it. They penetrate him from behind in turns, sitting on a bench and take him, they rotate with each other and Antu always wants more penis, he is insatiable. Then they make rounds and they finish him one by one in the face. Get the milk of four cocks on your face! So full of semen, he masturbates until he releases his own. So he returns to the pool, concluding with the episode and our Acqua Latinos series. Thank you for being a part of this incredible aquatic party. See you in the next series!


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