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Adrian Monroe fucks Hairy Otter Logan Piper

Prepare yourself for FIREWORKS… New otter bottom boy, Logan Piper has arrived and he’s as cock hungry as it gets. Logan is a bright, open-minded young man that seems to be a closet freak. A bit reserved at first, then TOTALLY lets loose when there’s a hot guy to distract him. When Logan found out he was gonna be getting fucked by our SUPER stud, Adrian Monroe, he damn near fell over. In fact, Logan was so excited that he went to his room to “stretch” and who knows what else. With Adrian’s tall, swimmer build, he loves his guys small like Logan. He can just pick em’ up and do as he pleases. Don’t expect anything less from this fuck… Adrian plays the dominant role, something he’s a natural at. Logan responds by letting out his wild side… Allowing us all to see his true inner freak.


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