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Aged To Perfection – Scott Riley & Killian Knox

Scott Riley and Killian Knox are sitting in bed and Scott is sharing that when he came out of the closet he found that experience easier than telling people that he is attracted to older men. He really likes the relationship he has with Killian who is 20 years older and wants to know if Killian also gets crap from other people about dating younger guys. Killian tells him to not worry about what other’s think and the two start making out. Scott then sucks Killian’s rock hard cock and then Killian sucks Scott. Killian then moves his tongue to Scott’s ass. Once Scott is warmed up, Killian fucks him doggy style and then goes back to rimming his ass. Scott then rides Killian’s cock for a while before lying on his back and Killian fucks him until he cannot hold back and he pulls out and shoots all over Scott.
