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Aidan Anthony & Wren

Wren is back to get his ass royally fucked, and he looks better than ever! His body is rockin’! Of course, Aidan is in top form as the Top in this video. He has been hitting the gym hard too. He arrived with his boyfriend, who watched from the sidelines. They start by making-out, but all Aidan can think of is eating Wren’s hole. Wren is literally giddy to have someone who really knows how to rim eat him out. Aidan blows him next, then he gets Wren’s head over the side of the bed so Aidan can fuck his throat. Wren can really take a cock at this angle, and it is extremely hot to see him handle the face-fucking. Later, Wren rides Aidan’s cock, and when he spins around reverse, he puts all his weight on to Aidan, making Aidan even more turned-on. Despite being smothered by Wren’s weight, Aidan can really work that angle, and Wren looks hot flopping around on top of him getting his hole hammered. Eventually, Aidan fucks a load out of Wren, followed by Aidan juicing Wren’s hole. He then crawls over Wren, makes him clean his cock, then shares a hot final kiss!


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