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Aiden Tyler & Lance Woods – Lance Sure Can Top Too 4K

Hey, SayUncle fans! How did you like Lance’s scorching hot debut? You feel you have room for more action between him and the kinky Aiden Tyler? Then, you’re in luck, ‘cause we have extra footage of these two studs getting nasty in the locker room! This time, Lance overdid it while working out and now his thigh is sore, so his good buddy Aiden is happy to give him a nice rub to make it all go away. But as his hands reach out for his crotch, he gets all sorts of naughty ideas and tells Lance to get some water on his body to reduce the swelling. Lance obeys as his mate gets him naked and follows him into the shower. Not long after, Aiden is already on his knees, eating up Lance’s big cock. The guy completely forgets about his swollen thigh while Aiden swallows his dick greedily, anxious to feel it pushing deep inside his hole.
