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Alex Gonzalez & Tristan Hunter

Hot versatile star Tristan Hunter makes his CockyBoys debut taking on fresh face Alex Gonzalez! In his introduction, you’ll get to know Tristan and see why he’s a good fit here and why Alex is just right for Tristan to show off his dominant top side! When Alex comes in and goes down on his thick cock, Tristan is VERY pleased with how he takes it and responds to his commands. As Alex feasts on his cock and balls, Tristan feels up his cute butt and tight hole, then gets Alex to bend over so Tristan can do some feasting of his own. With his hole thoroughly spit-lubed, Alex eases it down on Tristan’s cock and rides him slowly, helped along by Tristan lovingly stroking his uncut cock. After getting used to the big dick, Alex changes position slightly to ride it harder– with Tristan’s help again. Soon, Tristan gives Alex a little break and the sexy Latin uses the opportunity to play with Tristan’s cock and make another run at sucking him. Alex deep throats Tristan, laps at his big balls and gets face-fucked before Tristan goes back to fucking him, this time from behind. He plows Alex who takes every inch and even fucks himself on Tristan’s cock to please him. Tristan finishes off Alex fucking him on his back and when he’s about to cum, Alex gets into position to get a juicy, open-mouth facial. As Alex keeps stroking his cock, Tristan runs his hands over his smooth, ripped body, and as a result Alex orgasms too, erupting in a thick load over himself. As they kiss with tender passion we think Alex gave Tristan a memorable CockyBoys welcome!


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