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Alex Kof & Flynn Fenix

When Alex Kof and Flynn Fenix meet up, they truly enjoy into every inch of each other leading to intense sex and a climax that goes on for both guys! They start with some sensual body play, but Flynn wants to suck cock and Alex makes sure both his mouth and throat are satisfied, before he gets what HE wants: eating out Flynn’s hole and then pounding him from behind–and he doesn’t hold back either. Flynn is in ecstasy getting fucked, then riding Alex and getting his hole used like a sex toy, and getting plowed on his back. Alex makes it hotter for him by by pinching Flynn’s nips and jerking him on the path to fucking the cum out of him. When Alex soon shoots his load, Flynn ups the intensity for both of them but having Alex slide in his cock and giving them both an extra long orgasmic experience.
