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Alex Tikas & Nate Stetson – Skeet

Alex Tikas spreads Nate Stetson’s beefy buns, exposing one of the prettiest pink meat holes that ya ever wanted to sink your dick into! 69in’ – these pigs show each other’s parts a little pre-fuck appreciation as Nate hovers his hole over Alex’s mouth and leans in to swallow his dick. But Tikas wants more than a taste! Turning Nate over, he tongue-dives into Nate’s hole. With Nate ass up, Alex angles his uncut cock to sink into that chute he’s been craving so much. Alex is a sweetheart, but he don’t coddle. His dick hooked deep into Nate’s ass, he goes straight into a steady rhythm of firm thrusts, making sure that hole gets stretched to fit him just right. Nate bounces his juicy ass onto Alex’s colon wrecker, pogo-fucking that huge cock deeper into his guts. Feeling Nate’s asshole opening up more and more for him, Alex gets Nate on his back to give him the hard cum filled gut fuck he came for.


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