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Alexis Tivoli & Jesse Evans

It’s been a few months since we last saw handsome Jesse, and even longer for tall and lean Alexis, but when we got in touch to let him know Alexis was looking for a hot arse to fuck he couldn’t wait to get back in front of the cameras. The European boys are awesome together, clearly enjoying every second while they grind and kiss on the bed, but the moment those hard cocks are out the temperature only rises. The feast of dick slurping is truly delicious to watch, with some great deep throating too, but when Alexis takes aim at that tight hole there’s no holding back. It’s sensual, passionate and pounding too, with Jesse getting it in every position until he’s splashing hot cum over his smooth body in a big gooey display, matched by the powerful splashing his top boy delivers. With a little kiss to finish we’re certain this is gonna be one of those times when the guys hook up for more later.


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