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Alpha Hunks Andrey Vic And Brock Magnus Flip-Fuck

An ass to breed is something Andrey Vic is always on the hunt for. He’s a power-top and an alpha male who knows what he’s good at, and every guy he is done pounding into submission is left catching his breath and begging for another go. Some guys, however, make Andrey’s own hole excited to feel some bareback penetration from time to time, and the ultra-beefcake Brock Magnus is one such guy. Brock is another alpha male who loves fucking guys up the ass, and the more subservient in bed the better. In this gay bareback sex encounter, Andrey Vic and Brock Magnus both give in to their bottoming urges for one another and take turns on each other’s asses with their beautiful uncut cocks. Since they both have the same alpha-male understanding, they are gentle with one another, so they can both feel each other’s masculine power every single second they’re balls deep!
